
1 Trust Fund for 1 Child

Personally.. for me, if you want to invest or an investor, you not only invest in Unit Trust. When you have a lot of money.. don't put it in the bank. Bank is like where to park your monies. Then you can diversify into Investment Instruments.. one of it is Invest in Unit Trust. Others.. such as buy gold on monthly basis, buy a property, pun into FD or anywhere you want..

Depending on your risk appetite and objective, you can choose whatever you want to do with your money. What important is stick with the plan... I am now encourage my contacts to Invest or open a Trust Fund account for each child. With a minimum investment of RM1000 and monthly contribution as low as RM100, you can enjoy the return by the time your kids is reaching 20 years old. That money will be used for maybe their education, opening a new business, etc, etc.

However, I believe along the way the parents will top up some more - for the kids' future.

So, don't wait to invest. When you get your bonuses, put 10% aside and call me to invest :).

How can you diversify your unconditional love to your child? Get a trust fund for them secretly.... shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
call me

Whatsapp me/ email me to find out more.

I've synced my email to my mobile and I hope that I can attend to your inquiries as soon as I can.

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